What is T21?

  • T21 represents Trisomy 21, the medical term for Down Syndrome
  • 3 extra copies of the 21st chromosome
  • This is why World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated each year on 21 March

Our Logo

  • T21 is short for Trisomy 21, the medical term for Down Syndrome
  • Blue and yellow are the globally recognized colours for Down Syndrome
  • The three arrows represent 3 copies of 21st chromosomes

Our Mission

Is not to create a separate community, but to provide access to the existing community by providing necessary support and funding in order to:

  • Support all persons with additional needs and different abilities in the Cayman Islands by raising awareness about T21;
  • Advocate for the rights of those with additional needs and different abilities so they can have same opportunities and experience their age appropriate neurotypical peers have;
  • Work collaboratively with allied health care providers, parents, caregivers and individuals with Down Syndrome in order to connect with other NPOs and other profit organisations with programmes which provide access to the community which support individuals with different abilities and additional needs; and
  • To fund and support all persons with different abilities and additional needs to obtain the necessary life skills for assisted or independent living.

Our Vision

Providing a source of support and network to all people with Down Syndrome and all individuals with different abilities with the common goal of enriching their lives of those while promoting safety and access to education, the work place and the community.

We will achieve this by working with allied health care providers, parents, caregivers and individuals with Down Syndrome in collaboration with other NPOs and special advocate groups.

We will bridge gaps by creating opportunities, providing resources and support for all individuals to access the existing community.

Be Part of the Change

The pillars of the T21 NPO are to raise awareness about Down Syndrome and support, advocate for the safety, the development and the enrichment of lives of individuals with different abilities and additional needs.

There are many disabilities, educational and/or physical which an individual may have whether diagnosed or undiagnosed. These differences are the same, similar or overlapping to other disabilities known in the community.
We are creating awareness about T21 and committed to assisting and advocating for all individuals with different abilities and additional needs.


Rock Your Socks is all about raising awareness about Down Syndrome which is a genetic condition that usually causes some level of learning disability.

Did you know?

  • The origin of this phrase is unclear, but it is believed to have emerged in the early 2000s as a variation of the more common expression "you rock."
  • Since the chromosomes look like socks when viewed on a karyotype, you can “rock your socks” by wearing unique, mismatched, and colorful socks on March 21st to support and create awareness.
  • Every year on March 21, people all around the world come together to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day by wearing brightly colored, mismatched socks. March 21 is symbolic because people with Down syndrome have 3 copies of their 21st chromosome
1 %
of the GLOBAL POPULATION have some type of learning disability
0 %
of children with Down Syndrome also fall on the Autism spectrum
0 %
of children with Down Syndrome have a heart condition that requires surgery
0 %
of children with Down Syndrome have hearing impairment and conductive hearing loss
babies are born across the globe with Down Syndrome each year

Thursday 21 March 2024
4-7 PM


  • Social gathering for children and adults of all ages
  • Enjoy beverages, food and meeting and greeting other parents, children and allied service providers, and supporters
  • Enjoy the green and music DJ’D by one of our own

Participate in the Dessert Table competition prize for best tasty dessert and price for most creatively designed dessert.

Do you need our help?
Contact Us

We believe that different abilities and additional needs are cross-cutting issues which emphasises the need to bridge gaps between the person to access the existing community and the need to assist to people with disabilities at every stage of their life, from birth to their transition to independence and adulthood.